"Stop giving advice!"
Forum Chairs are special people since they have to practice what they preach! Each forum is a unique group of leaders seeking to fulfill their God given mission in their sphere of influence. As a forum chair, you facilitate that purpose.
Forum chairs are not "tellers" but seek to ask good questions, draw others out, and listen deeply as other leaders unpack their challenges and their joys.
The peer forum is a safe harbor for leaders who need one place in their life where they can be free to discuss anything. This is why we have every participant sign a Confidentiality Agreement.
The peer forum is a safe harbor for leaders who need one place in their life where they can be free to discuss anything. This is why we have every participant sign a Confidentiality Agreement.
As a forum chair you create this environment. You skillfully think about tools that will help leaders open up, think creatively, and ultimately take powerful, God inspired action!
Tools for good forums
1. The 2 Minute Drill "Check In" where everyone gets a chance to give updates on their life... Challenges and joys
2. Assessing and identifying one key issue that may have surfaced in the update
3. Is there anything God may be speaking to us about through his word, a book, our marriage, our work place, our friends?
4. Resist telling participants what to do or giving them 5 steps to happiness!
5. Move from the head to the heart or from theory to practice... "What are you going to do?"
6. Call for action steps based on our forum today
7. Once a month have someone tell their story
8. Do stuff together