Executive Director

Jon Sharpe WarmWe are all aware that things need to change in our region and in our country. We have watched leaders default in the public arena with alarming regularity and with devastating consequences. The only hope is for leaders to be grounded in true values, Jesus values. When we bring leaders together in forums, we teach them how to encourage each other to live and lead like Jesus. It is exciting to watch leaders take courageous steps toward a life centered on the values of Jesus and the resulting impact everywhere as they live and lead.

Doors have opened wide with opportunity to reach out to a younger generation of leaders as well. Young leaders want to build for the future and desire to be a part of a growing community of business leaders seeking to follow Jesus. In 2012, not only will leaders continue to meet peer to peer but seasoned leaders will also reach out to younger leaders helping them build a Jesus centered life style.

If you want to join us and be a part of making a difference in our community by impacting the way leaders live and lead, please consider passing along the word and also investing in this work.

Jon Sharpe
Executive Director