If Leaders are to engage the culture with the values of Jesus it requires a clear picture of what that leader should look like. When we think of leaders who bring about change we think of people like Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, William Wilberforce, and of course the penultimate example, Jesus Christ.
As we think of developing leaders who live, lead, and love like Jesus we realize this is going to take God’s grace and power. However, we also realize if we don’t take action and move forward effectively helping leaders grow their life and leadership so they faithfully represent Jesus, we will never see the hoped for change within our culture and the cultures of the world that we so desperately long for.
As we help leaders grow their life and leadership, we will need to help them develop excellent leadership skills, strong character, a biblical world view, and a spiritual life vitally connected to Jesus Christ and led by the Holy Spirit. Pinnacle Forum as an organization seeks to participate with God’s movement as leaders are equipped to live a life committed to God’s reign through them.
We see three areas where we can help leaders grow:1. ForumLeaders need a safe relational harbor-the forum/a relational grounding for leaders/
Leaders need a Knowledge base-/Biblical Worldview/Transformational Leadership/Values of Jesus/Understanding of culture/Ethics & Integrity/ Capacity building/
3. Leadership Field Experience (adult learning)/Understand a variety of cultural contexts/understand their Gifting/passion/capacity
4. Life Compass Retreat
Leaders need to reflect on their life and leadership and plan for future mission
Q-3 Three Defining Questions-our operating systemWho am I?
Who is God?
What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
Forum Facilitation Concepts
The Forum Chair serves the role of a mentor, coach, friend, co-learner, etc… Incarnational leadership means we are in this together… I’m not above as the teacher as much as I’m a fellow traveler called alongside. We want our forum facilitators to have all of the resources available to provide a safe place with enough structure to give security and enough freedom to provide interest, spontaneity, and creativity. We are learning together!
Leaders need to reflect on their life and leadership and plan for future mission
Q-3 Three Defining Questions-our operating systemWho am I?
Who is God?
What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
Forum Facilitation Concepts
The Forum Chair serves the role of a mentor, coach, friend, co-learner, etc… Incarnational leadership means we are in this together… I’m not above as the teacher as much as I’m a fellow traveler called alongside. We want our forum facilitators to have all of the resources available to provide a safe place with enough structure to give security and enough freedom to provide interest, spontaneity, and creativity. We are learning together!
Building Community beyond the Forum
1. Pinnacle Vision & Mission goal
2. Financial Commitment: Sharing in the cost of forum growth, development, and enrichment
3. Confidentiality Agreement
4. Connecting to the Pinnacle Forum Community
Connecting to the Pinnacle Community
A leadership learning community of Jesus followers throughout the Northwest