Presently we have 17 forums working toward that end. The forum is the back bone of our mission. When we can bring leaders together, peer to peer, in small group settings to encourage each other to grow their lives and leadership, we are on mission. We are hoping to start 10 new forums this year. We need you to pray with us about this. Our goal by the end of the year is to have 27 forums meeting throughout the Northwest.
Forum Template & Orientation
A team within the board has been working diligently to strengthen our forum template so each forum will have the “bite” it is supposed to have. At our last meeting Jerry Brown and Scott Urie shared how this is shaping up. I have attached the latest version for your input and hopefully as a tool for you to begin using within the forum. We would like to implement an orientation meeting for new forums and offer the training to existing forums too. The orientation is a way to carefully explain how each forum works and to demonstrate what can be expected in the forum. It is our hope that existing forums will take advantage of the training.
Forum Chair Connections
We are having Forum Chair Cross Training sessions every other month (see calendar). Our next meeting is slated for March 25, from 3-6 pm.. However, we are also recognizing that we need to meet on an informal basis in between these sessions. So, we will be working on developing ways to bring a few Forum Chairs together from time to time to encourage and learn from each other.
Salting the Community
1. February 5, 2010 PFNW co-sponsored a luncheon with Seattle Christian Foundation, Kiros, the Center for Business & Integrity, Ron Blue and Associates, and the Christian Legal Society for Financial Consultants around the theme of biblical wealth principles. There were about 70 in attendance. The goal was to get as many as possible enrolled in a Kingdom Advisors training session around Biblical principles.
2. February 9, 2010 PFNW co- sponsored a wonderful breakfast with Bill Pollard, former CEO of ServiceMaster (a Fortune 500 business) with the Center for Business and Integrity and Kiros. It was a significant time with about 125 in attendance. Here is one of the responses from that session: “Thank you Jon for a great event. Very meaningful to me. And very in line with what my company is trying to achieve. Good work!” Ron Worman, The SAGE GROUP
3. February 11, 2010 three PFNW board members start leading a 5 session workshop on “Doing Business God’s Way” with about 75 business leaders in Bellevue. So, our plate is full.
Priorities for Pinnacle Forum
Our mission is to equip leaders to engage the culture with the values of Jesus. With that in mind, we need to move forward intentionally in our forums. When you chair a forum, please ask yourself, “How is this session going to help these leaders move toward engaging the culture with the values of Jesus?” Are we growing in our love for Jesus? Are we growing in authenticity? Are we growing in faith? Are we growing in our love for one another? Our growth as a mission can only be as strong as our internal growth… our basic relationships.
Executive Director
Pinnacle Forum Northwest