New Forums on the Eastside of Seattle in July and August.
Teresa Gillespie, Dean of the Business School at Northwest University will chair a new forum for women in leadership at the 6710 Pinnacle Forum Northwest office in Kirkland. An attorney for over 20 years, Gillespie has extensive business experience. For 17 years, she was in-house litigation counsel for U.S. West, handling disputes involving contracts, torts, real estate, employment discrimination, complex commercial bankruptcy, and class-action consumer lawsuits.
Tom Coccione, CEO of SkyView Partners, and former IBM Sales Executive will chair a new forum in Bellevue. Tom has been mentoring and befriending many business leaders for years. This forum was initiated by Tom as he thought about key business friends that he thought should be in a forum with him.
Dave Odom, is a Partner at B2BCFO and chairs a new forum in Kirkland. Dave is an experienced CFO / management consultant with over 30 years of expertise serving small to mid-ranged companies in finance and accounting. His background includes working in public accounting, for a Fortune 100 construction company, founding and managing a CPA firm for 15 years, prior to purchasing an international brokerage company and acting as its President and CEO. Recently he served as the Executive VP and CFO for a $35 Billion real estate brokerage franchising company on the West Coast, which accounted for approximately $900 Million in commissions and $40 Million in franchise fees.
Jerry Brown and Jon Sharpe are chairing a new forum meeting at 6710 Pinnacle Forum NW Offices.
Jerry Brown, serves on the Pinnacle Northwest Board and is an Executive Coach bringing years of business experience and wisdom to his clients.