Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Seattle Forum News 2010 in Review

Heller's and Johnson's
C3 Breakfasts, Roundtables, Celebrations, and Appointments 

Pelluer's and Barrett's
The Christmas Celebration at the Bravern in Bellevue
Barry and Dean

Chris and Aleah

Judy, Aleah, Joan, and Katrina

Breakfasts and Roundtables

Lillian Covington

Kevin Compton

Kevin Compton, co-owner of the San Jose Sharks and venture capitalist shared his life story and his concern for the global poor working with microfinance through Opportunity International.  Lillian Covinagton of Opportunity International told a breathtaking story about her life from rural Africa to Chicago. The Roundtable was outstanding! 

May 19, Breakfast Donna Hart, US Labor Relations Manager for the Northwest Region speaking to the issue of Human Trafficking
May 19, Breakfast  Forum participants after the May Breakfast sharing how Chip Kimball, Superintendent for Lake Washington Schools made a point about living your values in the public arena.
October 26, Breakfast at Maggiano's with Seattle's favorite Chef, John Howie, owner of the Seastar Restaurants and the John Howie Steak House tells his story at a breakfast with business leaders in October.
National Conference Dr. Joe Castleberry, President of Northwest University spoke about the need for Christian higher education at the national Pinnacle Forum Conference in Scottsdale.


October 26, Breakfast Randy Conrads shared about how Jesus ethics are vital in our community. Randy is the founder of Classmates.com and Redweek.com.
Pinnacle National Conference and the Global Forum, Rob Smith, President of Earthwise International is building a ferry system for Africa and leading the a task force on social entrepreneurship 

Steve Pelluer

May 19, Breakfast Steve Pelluer, former NFL and University of Washington Quarterback and now in commercial real estate shared how forums help him engage the culture of his everyday life.
Jeff Van Duzer
Roundtable in July and August in cooperation with the Center for Integrity in Business and the Seattle Christian Foundation Dr. Jeff Van Duzer, Dean of the Business School at Seattle Pacific University shared at a Pinnacle Roundtable how business matters to God.
Jerry Brown
May 19, Breakfast and Pinnacle National Conference Jerry Brown, Pinnacle Board member and executive coach shared how Pinnacle is seeking to provide "Deliverables" to Pinnacle Forum members as well as telling his compelling life story at the national Pinnacle Forum Convention.

May 19, Breakfast Peter Cline shared how several guys brought about 60 business people together to do a study on Doing Business God's Way.
Ward Tanneberg
May 19, Breakfast Finally, Dr. Ward Tanneberg, Excecutive Director for CASA shared how the original Pinnacle Forum member started turning his life around at 80 years of age... The turn came at the foot of a burning bush...His name was Moses.

Scott Urie
Scott Urie, President of AirrepsWashington is a new board member in 2010 and was appointed by the Pinnacle NW Board to lead Forum Development with Bob King and Steve Pelluer. Steve will be leading new forum development in downtown Seattle and Bob King will be leading on the Eastside. Scott will oversee the northend of Seattle as well as lead the team.

Kendra VenderMeulen
Kendra VanderMeulen, President of the Seattle Chritian Foundation is also a new board member in 2010 and was appointed to lead the Roundtable Committee charged with organizing excellent offerings on key issues for Pinnacle leaders. John Terrill, Director of the Center for Integrity in Business at Seattle Pacific University and Dr. Chip Kimball, Superintendent of Lake Washington School District. This year we have experienced two outstanding Roundtables with Dr. Jeff Van Duzer and Kevin Compton as our special guests.
Field Experiences 2010
Pinnacle Board member Jeff Rogers, Global Pinnacle member John Vanderwall and Kiros Seattle business leader Ryan Peterson on a trip to Uganda with Expressive Business Strategies. EBS offers business curriculum for people living in the Two-Thirds World.
Each year we want to give thanks for all that God is doing in this community. Pinnacle Forum NW partners with many organizations and business leaders to encourage every leader to engage the culture with the values of Jesus. Here's our delivery system:
  1. Peer Forums
  2. Issue Roundtables
  3. Encouragement Breakfasts
  4. Field Experiences
  5. Life Compass Process

I trust you will give thanks with us as we reflect on God's good work among us. 
Blessings toward a New Year!

Jon Sharpe

Truefaced Intensive Seattle, WA May 13-14

Most leaders long to have integrity at the core, but find it very difficult to practice it as they juggle intense pressures in their everyday assignments. Often, the toughest place to be real is with those you walk beside. The authors of Truefaced and other works on authenticity in leadership know what this world is about and can help you and your leadership move forward by building a trust culture where you learn to trust God and others with your life. Most leaders long for this kind of life!

God's Grace Gamble

What if I tell you there are no lists? What if I tell you I don't keep a log of past offenses, of how little you pray, how often you have let me down, made promises that you didn't keep? What if I tell you - you are righteous with my righteousness, right now? What if I tell you, I am CRAZY about you! Live in my grace with your True Face?-John Lynch, one of the Truefaced authors

The Truefaced Intensive is designed for teams of leaders who seek to walk together in authenticity. This two-day intensive brings the best work of Bill Thrall, Bruce McNichol, and John Lynch together in an upclose and practical approach that models living a Truefaced life.

Registration will open in January! Save the date!

Global Forum moves forward with Social Entrepreneurship January 10

The C3 Global Forum has been meeting for about one year and is currently exploring how to effectively communicate and promote social entrepreneurship through a global business community. January 10, a task force led by Rob Smith of Earthwise Ventures will report back to the forum regarding recommended steps for the Global Forum.

The first Global Forum started with the focus on "Seattle an Entrepreneurial City" and the resposibility for business leaders from Seattle doing business globally to understand their place of influence and to effectively engage. Issues to be addressed in the future are Social Entrepreneurship, Mentoring, and International Ethics.

Jon Sharpe, Executive Director for C3 states, "Seattle has a global purpose and it is our task as the business community, to understand it and help each other engage effectively with the values of Jesus everywhere we do business."

Meeting is by invitation only and will be held at the offices at 6710 108th Avenue NE Kirkland, WA. 7:00-9:00AM Breakfast will be served for $25.00.

Forum Chair & Board Luncheon at Sambica Lake House

On February 2, the Forum NW Chairs will kickoff the 2012 Year.

Agenda: Values, Mission, Vision