Sunday, May 12, 2013


Your calling is deeper than your work, your career, even your gifting. Your calling is related to who you have been designed to be. You were uniquely crafted by your Creator with certain gifts, passions, dreams, and a perspective on life that no other human being can fully appreciate or accomplish. When you find you and live how you were created to live, you fulfill God's work. 

Jesus gave us a glimpse into calling when he prayed his priestly prayer, " I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do" (Jn 17:4).

To find your calling, is to find  you! Parker Palmer in his book titled, "Let Your Life Speak," makes that point dramatically clear. You are at your best and the most effective for all you are designed to be when you are acting out of your own unique personhood and not attempting to be anyone else or to emulate anyone else.  

Leaders are able to understand their calling and move forward effectively in life toward God's good purposes when they identify how God reveals himself to them (shepherd, father, lover, protector,), learn and incorporate their personal life dream (the deep seated passion that flows from within), understand the legacy God wishes them to leave to those who know them best and love them the most, and as they identify the primary gifting pulsating through their work.

At C3 Leaders we intentionally work to help leaders identify and affirm their calling, knowing that when leaders know who God is and know who they are in relationship to him and what God has called them to, they become his instruments of grace in powerful ways and begin to see God's powerful hands released in our communities for healing and renewal.