Executive Summary
Equipping leaders to engage the culture with the values of Jesus
1000 Pinnacle Partners
This Executive Summary is provided so you can share in the heartbeat, mission, and vision of Pinnacle Forum Northwest. As a business leader in this region, you have been given influence that can be used for the greater good and we want to help you put your God given call into action!
Pinnacle peer forums and partners are expanding in our region. Presently forums are effectively meeting in downtown Seattle, Bellevue, and Tacoma. We see a day not too far out in the future, when every city in the northwest will have multiple forums meeting to engage the culture with the values of Jesus.
Nearly 100 Partners and Forum participants are now engaged in some way. As new forums are developed and new partners are added, our region will begin to change dramatically, reflecting God’s character.
Twice a year Pinnacle Forum Northwest asks all forum participants and partners to join with us in the vision of seeing 1000 Pinnacle Partners engaging the culture with the values of Jesus. When key business leaders commit to a life of authenticity and cultural engagement something extraordinary can happen!
Each partner and forum participant is asked to make a semi-annual contribution of $500: A donation in the month of April and a donation in the month of October, totaling $1000.
Your Partner Contribution helps build new forums, equip partners, train forum accomplish so much more!
Our History
America has a great many churches and Para church organizations, but each year our culture continues to decline. I believe the only way we can change that is to find a way to network our high influence leaders and inspire them to use their influence for God.
-Dr. Bill Bright
Inspired by the late Dr. Bill Bright in 1995, Pinnacle Forum was established in Arizona when a group of community leaders decided to use their God-given influence to transform the city of Phoenix. This was done by convening small peer groups around the city with the purpose to encourage one another spiritually, share Christ with their peers, and challenge each other to use their influence and resources for the glory of God.
The name “Pinnacle Forum” derives from the idea that our Partners are leaders who are at the pinnacle of their influence. They are people who have built reputations in a city, an industry, a nation—and now, based on that reputation, are in a position to influence peers who have similar influence, and have an impact on those who are the leaders of their communities.
In 2001, Pinnacle Forum began to replicate this model throughout the United States, forming Pinnacle Forum America. At present, PFA is a network of 450 Partners and forums taking place in over 45 cities. We are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Pinnacle Forum in the Northwest began during this season.
Critical Success Factors for Pinnacle Forum Northwest
• Active, well informed, surrendered, Spirit led board
• 100 trained, surrendered, Spirit led forum leaders
• 100 Healthy forums equipping Partners
• Partners building a Pinnacle community
• Documented Financial Plan
Critical Success Factors 2009
• Board: Active recruiting partners, forum leaders, praying, building a strong financial base, and building community.
• Facilitators: Recruit 10 new facilitators and have monthly Forum Leader Training.
• Peer Forums: Launch 5 new Peer Forums
• Partners in Community: Add 40 new partners and hold two Partner Community events.
• Financial Plan: Board contributing $50,000, Partners contributing $50,000 other donations and services contributing $49,000
Jon Sharpe, Executive Director,
Pinnacle Forum Northwest