The Need
Our Northwest communities need authentic, godly, transformational leaders. Sliding ethics, run-away greed, global economic meltdown, and general moral decay are evident in our communities. We believe such leadership is possible when leaders use their influence to engage the culture by living out the values of Jesus, the ultimate example of real life transformation.
Pinnacle Forum’s Answer
Pinnacle Forum Northwest is a movement of business leaders who meet regularly in peer forums to better understand the values of Jesus so they can apply them personally, at home, in the workplace, and in the community.
Forums are groups of 8 to 10 business leaders who meet peer to peer, in confidential settings, to develop authentic lives and engage the culture with Jesus’ values.
Our goal is to have 100 + Peer Forums throughout the northwest. To facilitate relationships and to update Partners and Forum members on what is being accomplished, we regularly meet together as a large group to share experiences, develop friendships and foster a strong sense of community.
We have a board of directors, a full time Executive Director and a business plan to help us achieve the mission and vision. We ask our partners and friends to help us fund the plan with a yearly faith-based commitment. These funds are used to help grow active peer forums and conduct partner community building events.
Our vision is to have 1,000 partners in the northwest committed to the values of Jesus. We believe this vision will inspire our partners to be witnesses and encouragers to the highest levels of leadership within their spheres of influence.