Friday, March 27, 2009

Pinnacle Forum Northwest 2009 Operating Plan

Key Elements of 2009 Operating Plan
Forum Development
• Recruiting Forum Facilitators
o Identify through our existing networks those who we believe will make the best facilitators of forums in our region
o Identify leaders who have a passion for the Pinnacle Gvision and mission and have the gift of facilitation and experience
o Identify leaders who have a passion for our vision and mission and are willing to grow into effective facilitators
o Executive Director and key Board Members identify and recruit people with facilitation skills or temperament
• Training Forum Facilitators
o Have all facilitators take specific facilitation training so that they know what Pinnacle NW expects of its facilitators.
o Continue monthly or bi-monthly facilitation training, cross training, sharing best practices from each forum.
o Facilitator’s common methodology: Facilitator’s must understand and be trained with a common methodology that reflects the uniqueness of a Pinnacle Forum.

• Replicating Forums
o Develop an attitude of multiplication and replication for the forum movement.
o Instill a multiplication principle within each forum and within the facilitator community.

Partner Definition, Recruiting, & Development
• Partner Definition:
o A Northwest Pinnacle Partner is a *leader (a person of influence regarded as a leader within their field) committed to the vision and mission of Pinnacle Forum Northwest and has been invited to be a part of Pinnacle Forum and has been accepted by our local Chapter leadership. These are the expectations of all partners.
o Regular participation in a forum or in roundtables
o Regular participation in partnership gatherings
o Commitment to financial contribution for Pinnacle NW
o Commitment to sharing the vision and mission with others
o Have signed and agreed with the national Partnership Agreement
• Recruiting Partners:
o Is an ongoing process where Board Members and existing partners continually share the vision and the mission and ask key influencers to join the movement. It is vital that we continue to think of PF as a movement rather than an institution.
o Partners must be invited to join. They are required to fill out the national application.
o PFA contacts the Northwest Executive Director to verify the person has been invited and is known in the community and has been authorized by the Chapter to approve the prospective partner.
o The Executive Director will meet with all prospective partners one on one or have a board member meet with them.
o As partnership applications grow a quarterly orientation will be developed for new partners by the ED.
o Board Members, Facilitators, and Executive Director hold one recruiting meeting per month to recruit new Partners.
• Partner Development
o Each partner is expected to be growing in their love for and obedience to Jesus and to an active pursuit of engaging the culture with the values of Jesus.
o Partner Gatherings, retreats, seminars, and training will be offered as needed.
• Funding
o The Pinnacle Chapter Board is responsible for an annual baseline of $50,000 for the Chapter.
o Chapter Pinnacle Partners will be advised that the Chapter financing plan is based on our objectives as a group and that we suggest an annual contribution of a minimum of $1000.
o A Pinnacle Forum Partner Contribution Statement will be sent to all partners twice a year.
o A statement will go out each April and October for a contribution of $500.
• Deliverables
o Peer Forums: purpose – equip and relationship
o Quarterly Forums – equip and relationship
 Roundtables with leaders in community
o Community Forums: - vision and relationship
 (Partners, spouses, and prospective partners. Dinner with spouses)