Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pinnacle Forum Northwest Events

Pinnacle Forum Events 2010

January 2010

January 18, Board Meeting 3:00 PM-Clark Nuber Conference Room Bellevue

January 28, Pinnacle Forum Chair Meeting 3-5pm Air Reps Conference Room Bellevue

February 2010

February 5, Stewardship Luncheon at the Rainier Club sponsored with Seattle Christian Foundation and KIROS

February 9, Bill Pollard Breakfast 7:00-8:30am Seattle Pacific University sponsored with the Center for Integrity & Ethics and KIROS

February 11, World View Workshop 7:00-9:00am Miller Office sponsored with Business Leadership Strategies

February 22, Pinnacle Global Forum 7:00-9:00am Northwest University Health and Sciences building hosted by NWU.

February 25, World View Workshop 7:00-9:00am Miller Office sponsored with Business Leadership Strategies

March 2010

March 8, Pinnacle Forum Chair Social 7pm Seattle

March 11, World View Workshop 7:00-9:00am Miller Office sponsored with Business Leadership Strategies

March 25, World View Workshop 7:00-9:00am Miller Office sponsored with Business Leadership Strategies

March 25, Pinnacle Forum Chair Meeting 3-5pm

April 2010

April 12, Global Forum at Northwest University

April 12, Pinnacle Board Meeting 3pm*

April 15, World View Workshop 7:00-9:00am Miller Office sponsored with Business Leadership Strategies

April 16, Pinnacle Forum Chair Meeting Noon (Renton)

May 2010

May 19, Community Wide Breakfast Bellevue Club 7-9am… Northwest University Kirkland

June 2010

June 18, Pinnacle Forum Chair Meeting Noon (Seattle)

July 2010

July 19, Pinnacle Board Meeting *

July 22, Pinnacle Forum Chair Social 3-5pm (Social Evening)

August 2010

September 2010

September 14, Pinnacle Dinner 6:00pm Place to be determined

September 23, Pinnacle Forum Chair Meeting 3-5pm

October 2010

October 10-12, Pinnacle National Conference Scottsdale, AZ

November 2010

November 18, Pinnacle Forum Chair Meeting 3-5pm Bellevue

December 2010

December 3, Pinnacle Forum Chair & Board Christmas Celebration 7pm

December 6, Pinnacle Board Meeting 3-6pm

December 7, Pinnacle Leadership Workshop with Kevin Compton
Kevin Compton joined Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in 1990. Since joining KPCB, Kevin's investments have focused on enterprise software and the telecommunications industry. Kevin currently serves on the Board of Directors of two public companies, Citrix Systems (NASDAQ:CTXS) and VeriSign (NASDAQ:VRSN). Kevin also serves on several private company boards, including KnowNow, Intersperse, Kodiak Networks, and XenSource. Other investments he has led for the partnership include Audible, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBL), Cable Services Group (NASDAQ:CSGS), Global Village (NASDAQ:GVIL), Mobile Telecommunications Corporation (SkyTel) (NASDAQ:MTEL), ONI Systems (NASDAQ:ONIS), Volterra (NASDAQ:VLTR), and Active Software, acquired by WebMethods (NASDAQ:WEBM). Prior to joining KPCB, he was Vice President and General Manager of the Network Systems Team at Businessland (now Siemens). While in this role, the company's sales increased from under $70 million to over $1.4 billion, and the company was recognized as the number one supplier in worldwide Local Area Networks for three straight years.